Hidden Spots for Heinz ︎︎︎
80% of gamers eat and drink while playing, but it’s much harder in multiplayer games. This is why we partnered with Call of Duty and mapped out locations for gamers to eat in peace on the new Warzone Caldera map.
Case Study
"Heinz managed to connect with gamers by taking advantage of the universal
truth that we all need to eat, even gamers."
Film Launch
+550 million
global impressions
13 countries
+20 million
gamers impacted
+550 Hidden Spots

We turned the maps into burger wraps to safely recharge gamers with a burger break in one of the new points of interest on the games.

And a limited edition pack

cannes lions
2x silver
2x bronze
1x graphite
3x wood
2x silver
2x bronze
1x graphite
3x wood
the one show
1x best of discipline
3x gold
3x silver
4x bronze
1x best of discipline
3x gold
3x silver
4x bronze
3x gold
3x silver
2x bronze
WARC Ranking
11 on top 100
3x gold
3x silver
2x bronze
WARC Ranking
11 on top 100
creative club of brazil
2x gold
1x in book
The Drum World Creative Ranking
top 100
2x gold
1x in book
The Drum World Creative Ranking
top 100